Thanks Josh,

My container for the moment is equinox, but all should work in Felix as
well.  I've been using bndtools for my other OSGi work so I'm faced with
either annotating the Accumulo Code or wrapping it somehow.  What do you
want to bet I wind up inlining it?  Still, the annotated (read
componentized) approach would be less kloogy.  I hesitate because I'd wind
up maintaining my own code line.

On Mon, Apr 7, 2014 at 10:28 AM, Josh Elser <> wrote:

> On 4/7/14, 10:07 AM, Geoffry Roberts wrote:
>> My original question remains: Is the Accumulo Client dependent on the
>> Hadoop Client fully?  This determination can be made through trial and
>> error.  But I'm looking to leverage OPE (other people's experience) if
>> it exists.
> I thought someone had already said this (but I may be confusing threads):
> the Accumulo API uses Text throughout. Hadoop is a required dependency.
>  In the same spirit, does anyone know if all the following are required
>> to run an Accumulo Client? core, fate, start, trace?  If I attempt to
>> OSGify, I'm trying to figure how much trouble am I getting into.
> Yes, that should be about it from within Accumulo. You might need some
> other foss dependencies also available, but I'm not aware on what your
> "container" (or w/e the proper terminology would be) provides.

There are ways and there are ways,

Geoffry Roberts

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