Hi David, sorry about this, just a couple of more questions. 

1) Regarding SSL, I've enabled everything as per your guide SSL wise. The
pfx file is in Tomcat (US.pfx which is a wildcard cert we use). Currently
Guacamole is working fine on http port 8080, but when i try https I can't
connect. Tomcat doesn't seem to be listening on 443 when i netstat. Which
prompted me to check /opt/tomcat/latest/conf/server.xml but that all appears
to be right according to your docs. Any ideas what I can do?

2) I'm able to login with my AD creds and prompted for MFA auth no problems.
If I'm an admin I can see everything and connect to everything I want to. If
i then setup a user in AD, then in the Guac GUI, create a group in AD and
then the Guac GUI and add the user to each group in both (user/group named
the same of course). I then apply connections to the group in the Guac GUI,
logout and try the test user.
When i login as the test user after MFA auth, I can see the connections, but
any I click on to connect to I get shown the screenshot image attached. Any
thoughts on where I'm going wrong?

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