On Mon, Oct 10, 2016 at 10:12 AM, Chris Cook <coo...@jlsautomation.com>

> Greetings,
> I am currently reviewing Guacamole for inclusion in an IIoT platform for
> industrial equipment - to allow for operator interface access via webpage.
> Both I and my team LOVE the default Guac 0.9.9 webapp!

However, we have one hurtle that we need some help overcoming...  We are
> estimating approx. 100 uniquely branded deployments every year.  As such,
> generating a deployment specific branding extension for each and every
> deployment would become rather cumbersome very quickly.

Branding extensions are the intended way to achieve this. The idea was that
by encapsulating such changes within an extension, branding changes could
remain stable across upgrades, thus making things more convenient and doing
away with the need to patch the webapp itself.

Is there a way to change the application name, the logo, and the favicon of
> the default web-client without having to generate and deploy a new .war
> archive?
There's no need to deploy a whole new .war each time (though, since you
mentioned branding extensions earlier, perhaps you meant .jar).

It should be possible to script the generation of a branding extension if
the specifics are predictable (logo, icon, changes to the strings). Have
you given writing such a script a shot?

- Mike

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