So I've done a heap dump and recorded heap metrics while running my
DataStreamers and the heap doesn't appear to be the problem here. Ignite
operates normally for several hours without the heap size ever reaching its
max. My durable memory also seems to be behaving as expected. While looking
at the output of top, however, I notice a gradual increase in memory above
the sum total of heap + durable memory, which continues to increase for
several hours until my kubernetes pod hits its memory limit and is killed.
My guess is this is an NIO problem.

I suppose this could originate from the Avro files I'm loading from S3, and
I'm investigating this, but I'd like to rule out there being a problem on
the Ignite end. Do DataStreamers use NIO and is there anyway these could end
up "leaking" memory, and if so, are there configuration parameters or best
practices I could use to prevent this?

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