Yes, this is how the problem started, and the end goal, to add a terminal so 
WebPOS can be logged in to.
However, this also exposed a chain of issues with no ability to enter data 
through a standard mechanism while trying to create a retail store via "Catalog 
Manager->Stores, click New Product Store" (a terminal for WebPOS was the 
proverbial tip of the iceberg). You can't add the WebPOS until you have a 
terminal, and you can't add a terminal until you have a store, and you can't 
add a store until you have solved "Inventory Facility Id Required"...and there 
appears to be no way to add an asset/property/real-estate/facility which can be 
set up to have an Inventory Facility Id, so the store can't be added.
Should I add a JIRA bug based on the entire chain of missing requirements 
leading up to the inability to log in to WebPOS?
----- Original Message -----From: Taher Alkhateeb 
<slidingfilame...@gmail.com>To: user@ofbiz.apache.orgSent: Sat, 08 Apr 2017 
09:16:21 -0000 (UTC)Subject: Re: WebPOS Setup


Okay so it seems so far like the problem you are facing is simply yourinability 
to use the WebPOS application because there are no terminalsdefined. Is this 

If yes, then this is mostly likely just some missing seed / demo data thatwe 
should add to the WebPOS component. I suggest to create a JIRA for thisand we 
can tackle this issue over there to resolve it permanently.

On Fri, Apr 7, 2017 at 11:36 PM, <stim...@comcast.net> wrote:

> Hi,>> I did try readers of both seed and seed-initial, this does not seem to> 
> have changed anything.>> So...how was the retail store in the sample data 
> added? Was the building> itself added by XML file edit/import (I don't see 
> how asset management can> be used to do this...loosely speaking one could add 
> real estate or> property, but I've not found any way to mark that asset as a 
> facility to> create a required facilityId)? For OOTB, is this only possible 
> through XML> edits? I could see this as possible if the demo data were 
> inherited from a> prior release and actual interface was not used to 
> initially load the data.>> Thanks!>> ----- Original Message -----From: Pierre 
> Smits <pierre.sm...@gmail.com>To:> user@ofbiz.apache.orgSent: Fri, 07 Apr 
> 2017 09:09:35 -0000 (UTC)Subject:> Re: WebPOS Setup>> Hi Dan,>> Thank you for 
> taking the time to write your experiences down and> postingthem here. I feel 
> confident that members of this community can> findimprovement points to make 
> OFBiz better.>> While it may create confusion, the Facility Management 
> component> isn'tpurely about managing facilities (as 
> inhttps://en.wikipedia.org/> wiki/Facility_management) but more 
> aboutwarehousing (inventory/stock> control, receiving and shipping goods).>> 
> The Asset Maint component seems (to me) the logical place to creating> 
> newfacilities, as they may be closely linked to fixed assets (buildings,> 
> etc).As in associations between the FixedAsset (the building) and facility> 
> (theoffice, the warehouse, etc). How unfortunate that it isn't in OOTB.>> 
> Best regards,>>>> Pierre Smits>> ORRTIZ.COM <http://www.orrtiz.com>OFBiz 
> based solutions & services>> OFBiz Extensions 
> Marketplacehttp://oem.ofbizci.net/oci-2/>> On Fri, Apr 7, 2017 at 6:05 AM, 
> Taher Alkhateeb <> slidingfilame...@gmail.com>wrote:>> > Hi>> I'm not sure if 
> this would help, but the readers has only seed> data,> perhaps adding 
> seed-initial might solve some problems?>> > On Apr 7,> 2017, at 12:28 AM, 
> stim...@comcast.net wrote:> >> > Hi,> >> > Thought I'd> summarize with some 
> specific steps since I've made progress,> but still> fail (writing down to 
> explain to others might help me catch my> own> mistakes too).> >> > Problem: 
> I need WebPOS to work on a brand new install> using my own> hand-entered data 
> for a real retail store (versus demo data).> WebPOS login> page can be 
> reached, but login cannot occur because there are> no terminals.> Apparently 
> terminals cannot be added until there is a retail> store.> Creating the 
> retail store and associating terminals is failing.> >>> > The explicit 
> steps:> >> > I drop the PostgreSQL DBs (to clear old data),> recreate them, 
> then run:> > ./gradlew 'ofbiz --load-data readers=seed'> >>> > I then create 
> "admin" user via:> > ./gradlew loadAdminUserLogin> -PuserLoginId=admin> >> > 
> Start ofbiz:> > ./gradlew ofbiz> >> > Under the> setup app I create Company 
> (requires admin password update> first, Party Id> "Company" created by 
> manually typing in info of a real> company):> >> 
> https://localhost:8443/ofbizsetup/control/initialsetup> >> > Go to> Catalog 
> Manager->Stores, click New Product Store. "Primary Store> Group Id"> can't be 
> selected or entered ("Not Applicable [_NA_]" is all that> is> there), the 
> drop-down is empty other than "Not Applicable" (so I pick> Not> Applicable). 
> Set Store Name to "Main Store". It isn't a demo store, and> I> don't know 
> what the effect is, but I pick drop-down of "Is Demo Store" as>> "N". 
> Everything else is unmodified and default. Click Update. Error> rejects> 
> adding the store: "Inventory Facility Id Required".> >> > Summary> 1: Store 
> cannot be added via Catalog Manager until an Inventory> Facility> Id is 
> created.> >> > I switch now to Applications->Facility Manager. "Main"> or 
> "Facilities"> is only for searching, not for adding a Facility. This is> 
> where the prior> email reply mentions to do this under Asset Management,> but 
> Asset> Management->Facility is also only for searching, not for> creating a> 
> Facility. Perhaps it is a Fixed Asset?> >> > Summary 2: The> required 
> Facility Id of Summary 1 cannot be added under>> Applications->Facility 
> Manager. Asset Management->Facility is also a> search> mechanism, and cannot 
> be used to add the required facility.> >> >> Under Fixed Asset I can click 
> "New Fixed Asset". Is it "Real Estate",>> "Property", or "Other"? Real Estate 
> is chosen since it is most descriptive>> (Property might be a tract of land, 
> Real Estate is more specific since it>> implies a building on the land). When 
> I get to RoleType ID I am convinced>> this is not the correct place to create 
> a facility.> >> > Summary 3: I can> add a new fixed asset, but it does not 
> seem to give me> a Facility Id.> Perhaps I missed a detail.> >> > Under 
> Applications->Facility> Manager->Facility Groups I can click "New> Group". 
> The only part I can> logically add is Facility Group Name, and I add> "Retail 
> Facility" in that> text entry box. This fails. Although nothing is> marked as 
> mandatory,> submitting this requires a currently missing> parameter,> 
> "createFacilityGroup.facilityGroupTypeId". I don't really know> if the> 
> Facility type is Management Structure, or if it is Pricing Group,> but it> 
> seems Management Structure is more logical for a structure serving a>> 
> store...I pick this. It works, I now have a Management Structure with>> 
> Facility Group Name "Retail Facility". I don't have a Facility Id.> >> >> 
> Summary 4: I can add a Facility Group, but I'm unsure how to use this to>> 
> create a Facility. I don't believe this is the right approach.> >> > I'm> now 
> at a loss as to how to add a Facility since I've only found how> to> edit a 
> facility which already exists in Asset Manager; Facility Manger> is> 
> definitely the wrong place. If Asset Manager can add a facility and>> produce 
> a Facility Id, how is this done? Do I need to think of my Retail>> Store as a 
> Fixed Asset of type Real Estate?> >> > Thanks!>>

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