Thought I'd summarize with some specific steps since I've made progress, but 
still fail (writing down to explain to others might help me catch my own 
mistakes too).
Problem: I need WebPOS to work on a brand new install using my own hand-entered 
data for a real retail store (versus demo data). WebPOS login page can be 
reached, but login cannot occur because there are no terminals. Apparently 
terminals cannot be added until there is a retail store. Creating the retail 
store and associating terminals is failing.
The explicit steps:
I drop the PostgreSQL DBs (to clear old data), recreate them, then run:
./gradlew 'ofbiz --load-data readers=seed'
I then create "admin" user via:
./gradlew loadAdminUserLogin -PuserLoginId=admin
Start ofbiz:
./gradlew ofbiz
Under the setup app I create Company (requires admin password update first, 
Party Id "Company" created by manually typing in info of a real company):
Go to Catalog Manager->Stores, click New Product Store. "Primary Store Group 
Id" can't be selected or entered ("Not Applicable [_NA_]" is all that is 
there), the drop-down is empty other than "Not Applicable" (so I pick Not 
Applicable). Set Store Name to "Main Store". It isn't a demo store, and I don't 
know what the effect is, but I pick drop-down of "Is Demo Store" as "N". 
Everything else is unmodified and default. Click Update. Error rejects adding 
the store: "Inventory Facility Id Required".
Summary 1: Store cannot be added via Catalog Manager until an Inventory 
Facility Id is created.
I switch now to Applications->Facility Manager. "Main" or "Facilities" is only 
for searching, not for adding a Facility. This is where the prior email reply 
mentions to do this under Asset Management, but Asset Management->Facility is 
also only for searching, not for creating a Facility. Perhaps it is a Fixed 
Summary 2: The required Facility Id of Summary 1 cannot be added under 
Applications->Facility Manager. Asset Management->Facility is also a search 
mechanism, and cannot be used to add the required facility.
Under Fixed Asset I can click "New Fixed Asset". Is it "Real Estate", 
"Property", or "Other"? Real Estate is chosen since it is most descriptive 
(Property might be a tract of land, Real Estate is more specific since it 
implies a building on the land). When I get to RoleType ID I am convinced this 
is not the correct place to create a facility.
Summary 3: I can add a new fixed asset, but it does not seem to give me a 
Facility Id. Perhaps I missed a detail.
Under Applications->Facility Manager->Facility Groups I can click "New Group". 
The only part I can logically add is Facility Group Name, and I add "Retail 
Facility" in that text entry box. This fails. Although nothing is marked as 
mandatory, submitting this requires a currently missing parameter, 
"createFacilityGroup.facilityGroupTypeId". I don't really know if the Facility 
type is Management Structure, or if it is Pricing Group, but it seems 
Management Structure is more logical for a structure serving a store...I pick 
this. It works, I now have a Management Structure with Facility Group Name 
"Retail Facility". I don't have a Facility Id.
Summary 4: I can add a Facility Group, but I'm unsure how to use this to create 
a Facility. I don't  believe this is the right approach.
I'm now at a loss as to how to add a Facility since I've only found how to edit 
a facility which already exists in Asset Manager; Facility Manger is definitely 
the wrong place. If Asset Manager can add a facility and produce a Facility Id, 
how is this done? Do I need to think of my Retail Store as a Fixed Asset of 
type Real Estate?

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