Still need help with this please.
> From:
> To:
> Subject: Struts2 resource bundle labels not showing up
> Date: Fri, 21 Aug 2015 02:17:08 -0400
> Using struts2 in iRad
> 1. In src folder have package
> com.xyx.actions ----> in this have
> 2. Created
> "resources" ------ > of type  Source Folder
> in it I added a package
> com.xyx.actions  --------> in this added
> I added couple of label and
> error properties in it.
> 3. In LoginAction ----->
> validate method is handling errors and adding the key from
> file and on field error in jsp the value from 
> properties
> file is read and displaying in jsp correctly. i.e error messages are showing 
> correct from th properties file.
> 4. In the same properties file,
> I added label properties like
> label.user=Userlabel.password=Passwordbtn.login=Login 
> errors.user.required=Please enter usererrors.password.required=Please enter 
> password
> The jsp is not getting the
> label properties and displaying the key itself as label.user <s:label 
> key="label.loginInfo"/>
> <s:textfield name="user" key="label.user"></s:textfield>
> <s:submit key="btn.login" align="center" cssClass="button"></s:submit>
> what is that I am
> missing? How to fix this? Any help on this appreciated. Thanks.

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