Don't get me started on this subject!
I use 640x480 (300K) on my photos, which are reasonable file sizes to attach to messages and they look good enough to me at 4x5 photo paper sizes. I have no intention of blowing my photos up to 8x10 or larger. That blowup is where the larger pixel count is good, but who does that regularly? I keep getting photos from relatives of their grandson, etc. that are so detailed I can see the pores on the kid's face, but I can't see the entire picture on the screen at once! It is frustrating to scroll around the photo on my screen to get some idea of what the photo is about. Sometimes I just don't bother. Life is too short.

One thing that is enabling this megapixel bloat is the increasing size of the memory cards. For example, my camera, at 640x480 (300K), is showing 9999 photos available with a few shots already on it and with an 8GB card. At 4608x3456 (16M), it is down to 1877 photos. Yes, it is a 16 megapixel camera.

On 04/16/2013 04:03 AM, Tom Davies wrote:
Hi :)
They do and it does. :D

This "mega pixel" malarky is hilarious.  Everyone else is racing to get more and more mega-pixels 
(is 12 or 16 mega-pixels the standard issue now?) so that they can have more noise and distortions and 
file-sizes like a herd of elephants trying to stampeded down my phone-line.  One company is trying to market 
a 4 Mega-pixels camera that gives a better quality image by not adding in random fuzziness.  However everyone 
is going to say "this 16 megapixels MUST be better than 4 right?  4 is old isn't it?".  meanwhile 
we getting stunning photos of Mars done on  'old' 2 megapixels cameras.  It wouldn't be quite so bad if 
"mega-pixel" really meant anything.  It clearly does NOT mean 1,000 pixels (or 1,024 in computers)
Regards from
Tom :)

From: Felmon Davis <>
Sent: Tuesday, 16 April 2013, 2:45
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Importing PDF problem

On Mon, 15 Apr 2013, Tom Davies wrote:

Hi :)
Most on-line dictionaries (in the top 10 according to a google search) agree 
"A neologism is a newly coined term, word, or
phrase, that may be in the process of entering common use, but has not
yet been accepted into mainstream"
but my fav is Mirriam-Webster's bucking the trend amusingly
"a meaningless word coined by a psychotic."

Even though it is not apt it's still quietly amusing, to me at
least, sorry Felmon bud! :)
no problem but seriously, if the people in the telly were constantly
sending _you_ neologisms, don't pretend it wouldn't unsettle you a bit


Regards from Tom :)

From: Felmon Davis <>
Sent: Monday, 15 April 2013, 21:59
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Importing PDF problem

On Mon, 15 Apr 2013, anne-ology wrote:

        very interesting, yes indeed  ;-)

        well, the more I read this list, 'the more I seem to learn, yet the
stupider I feel'  ;-)
                (the glorified typewriter has so surpassed me)

        I note you've used a 'new' word; acronymonious seems to fit well in
this saga -
            yet I hope you didn't mis-type acrimonious  ;-)
                (oh, surely not)
I did not mistype. I went neologistic on you.


On Mon, Apr 15, 2013 at 11:02 AM, Felmon Davis <> wrote:

On Mon, 15 Apr 2013, anne-ology wrote:
         yikes, sounds as if I need further information -
            or need to keep studying ... ... ...  ;-)

not sure how the further discussion would be relevant to you if you just
want to use the tool. the link I gave you explains the things pdftk can do.
you can then decide if it might be useful.

the next step is to determine if you find it convenient to use.

of course, if you are also interested in how the tool is built, then
that's a different matter.

         Please update re. this / these tks whenever; I'll stay tuned  ;-)
        Ah, acronyms  ;-)
            tk :=**TK.html<>
        (well, while waiting to understand all this, my mind tends to wander
- puns are so much fun  :-)  )

don't mean to be acronymonious about it but all disciplines and
occupations use abbreviations and have specialist dictionaries -
general-purpose dictionaries won't do.


On Sun, Apr 14, 2013 at 5:48 PM, Felmon Davis <> wrote:

On Sun, 14 Apr 2013, Girvin Herr wrote:


Looks like pdftk is written in Java.****Pdftk<**Pdftk>

So the gui (Graphical User Interface) is whatever the Java Runtime
Environment (JRE) interfaces with.  From my experience, it isn't pretty,
but functional.

I noticed there are some other source files and some 3rd-party code in
the package that I did not take time to investigate, and it takes Gcc to
build it.  But one of the big ideas of Java is that it contains its own
code, so the programmer's effort is greatly reduced.  I would be
if pdftk does not use the standard Java gui.
Girvin Herr

good to know, especially about the '3rd-party code'.

makes sense the gui would be in java so it can run on various platforms.

I don't however foresee myself invoking the gui unless I'm working off of
Windows or something.

I'll look but I bet there's a command-line version for Windows too.


On 04/13/2013 11:24 PM, Felmon Davis wrote:

   On Sat, 13 Apr 2013, Tom Davies wrote:

   I'm only familiar with pdftk as a command-line tool; thus I was
by the discussion of desktop environments.

it does have a gui interface (or several?) and then there are the
Windows and Mac versions. I don't know what is used to make the gui
interface on Linux.



Felmon Davis

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Felmon Davis

Chastity and virtue are their own punishment.
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