On Thu, 1 Aug 2013, Bill Oliver wrote:

I can read and write to a flash drive without problems. It worked out of the box for me. I tried to post a screenshot, but it got held up in moderation. In the old versions of VirtualBox, USB support was in the "guest additions" package, as I remember, but I haven't had to install that for some time. I can't remember if you are using the virtualbox.org package or the one in the repositories, but you may have to install the exension pack. See: https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Downloads. But I gotta say that I didn't have to do this when I installed it using apper. It just worked out of the box.


One more note.  As I've mentioned before, I do a full wipe and installation periodically 
on my machines.  This can be a hassle if one is left re-installing other virtual OSs as 
well.  I have found that, with VirtualBox, I can simply back up the ./.VirtualBox 
directory and the "VirtualBox VMs" directory, and then copy them back into my 
home directory after the reinstall of Linux.  It works great.  That way I don't waste 
hours installing two or three operating systems whenever I install the base Linux.  The 
only problem I've had was a mild graphics incompatibility when moving from an AMD chipset 
to an Intel one.  That took some surgery to the XP registry, though I don't remember 
exactly what I did any more.

Anyway, if you are re-installing XP every time you install Linux, and you don't 
want to do it, then there's an easier way.

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