Hi there,

We are using Markdown in our Maven generated site
<http://maven.apache.org/plugins/maven-site-plugin/index.html>. Works like
a charm. AFAIK the plugin uses Flexmark
<https://github.com/vsch/flexmark-java> under the hood, which supports
the Admonition

We would like to use them too, the infoboxes are quite helpful for
documentation. Our site configuration in the pom.xml looks like this:


How could we configure it to recognise the additional markdown?

Also can be found here:

Create a nice day!
Stephan H. Wissel

Phone: +65 96673269
Blog <https://www.wissel.net/blog> Twitter <http://twitter.com/notessensei>
LinkedIn <http://sg.linkedin.com/in/notessensei> Xing

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