On 4/22/05, Ilyevsky, Leonid (Equity Trading) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> It seems that if third party jar file name does not comply with maven
> naming convention, the only way is to rename it.
> The <dependency> element always requires version number, and the <jar>
> tag (supposed to take explicit file name) does not do anything.
> Is this a feature? I just want to know.
> It might be OK to rename files and make up a version number even if the
> vendor does not care about version. But then we are going back to
> non-standardized environment where, let say, tibrvj.jar from Tibco is
> not named tibrvj.jar and it is not clear in what directory it should be.
> --------------------------------------------------------

Yes this is by design - the new Maven layout requires a version in the
directory tree, so it has to have something.

I find it hard to believe the JAR would never change, so some version
is appropriate :)

eg, tibco-CVS-20050312.jar, or tibco-internal-1.jar, or
tibco-unversioned.jar would all work. Using some date like "20050304"
as the version is probably a good idea.


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