On 4/22/05, Jamie Bisotti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Just because the contents of a JAR file change, the name does not have
> too.  My company, for whatever reason, chooses not to include any kind
> of version info in the JAR's name.
> I don't mean this to sound rude, or come off like an ass, but...

No, it's a valid question. But it has been answered before, so you
might get a more thorough answer from the archives.

> I'm semi-new to using Maven and I'm wondering if the wants/needs of
> the users are being taken into consideration with regard to Maven2.

Yes, definitely. This isn't just a matter of best practice - the Maven
repository is it's storage area - as long as it doesn't impose
filenames on the artifacts in your resulting build, I don't see how
this is causing anyone any inconvenience.

Dependencies simply won't work if you store it without a version in
the remote repository without a version. Consider:

A project depends on "unversioned-artifact.jar".

now a new one is released, and I assume you want to drop it into the
repository and the project starts using it. What's broken?
1) anyone with it already downloaded won't get the update
2) if you try to build the old version of the project from source
control, it may no longer work

This is aside from the problem of never knowing which is which when
you have 3 of those lying around that are all different.

You should differentiate between wants/needs above. I cannot recall a
time that Maven didn't allow someone to do something they needed to
do. Quite often someone wants to do it differently (Very often just
for the sake of it!), but I've never seen it as a need.

Honestly, tools like Ant are better suited if you feel you want to do
everything a specific way, because Maven's main draw  is that it gives
you some consistency (where it is applied, and a lot of Maven 1.x has
gone down more of the unnecessary flexibility path). You should be
able to pick up a new project without learning how to build it again.

Hope this helps. Please let me know if you feel this there are
instances where this isn't applied.


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