Markus KARG wrote on Wednesday, September 20, 2006 10:15 AM:

> Actually I never voted for using ibiblio but just added a
> dependency to
> fop:fop to my project, while in fact Maven 2.0.4 automatically has
> choosen to pull it from ibiblio. That's why I said: Since ibiblio is
> choosen automatically by Maven until manually de-configured, that
> repository must undergo better quality assurance than any other
> repository that is NOT already configured in Maven 2.0.4.
> That's my key
> point. I do not blame anybody for doing or not doing anything, but I
> just say that anything that works automatically in Maven 2.0.4 has to
> undergo the same quality restrictions than maven itself.

No, the point is, that you're not satisfied with the procedure, how QA works 
with Maven's public repo. While I can understand your point (being hit also by 
bogous POMs), you're not going to change it. If you want have better control, 
setup an own repository from scratch. Look, not even the people working activly 
on a project will always get it right (*), so how should Carlos? He simply can 
check if the general rules for an upload apply - that's all.

- Jörg

(*) New release of JMock 1.1.0 still uses cglib:cglib-full:2.0 as dependency 
although this breaks any app using Hibernate 3.x or Groovy. Better would have 
been to use cglib:cglib-nodeps:2.1_3, but as the official docs state the bad 
dependency, it is also referenced in the POM on ibiblio. Is this Carlos' fault 

- Jörg

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