I'm struggeling setting up my network in oVirt at the moment as I would
like to seperate specific VM's from other devices/clients in my network.

I have decent setup switching network using Vlans, this is also the fact
for ovirt and the storage nodes where teh ports are seperated between
storage and management.

Because I want to manage which client can acces which VM I need Vlan
tagging. The question is where are we going to do this, on the VM itself or
on the network I attach the VM's Nic to.

Because of the lacking documentation at this point it's not clear, so I
would like to figure out and maybe change the wiki there.

I also cannot understand why I can set an IP to a network and only the
subnet where I also can set DHCP which puts also the gateway.

I'm not able to set None or DHCP and can only add a network with IP, but
what IP and why ? Or just a 192.16.x.0 with a subnet ?

I hope someone can clear this a little bit more out.

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