At Wed, 16 May 2012 01:32:51 -0500,
Aaron C Johnson wrote:
> On 05/16/2012 01:29 AM, Relu Parfene wrote:
> > I updated to sogo 1.3.15 and all sope modules. I restarted sogo and
> > memcached. After these operations in the web interface all mails are
> > gone (including IMAP folders). I restarted the browser, I re-entered the
> > web interface. The situation was the same. I did refresh the page (F5)
> > and everything returned to normal. Awesome. I also noticed that the
> > annoying card icon following the mouse disappeared in contacts page
> > (after click on a contact in the shared address book). Absolutely awesome.
> I had the same problem with all the emails disappearing in the web 
> interface. I just rebooted the server and cleared the browser cache and 
> all was well :)

I've seen those problems before with upgrades and in my opinion asking
all users to clear their browser cache after every upgrade should be

As far as I understand the problem, the SOGo web resources are cached
by the browser and when a new version is installed the browser has no
way of knowing it has to load the web resources again. One way to fix
this is to put the version somewhere in the path, so that on upgrade
the web resources have a different path and the browser will fetch the
new files.

Is there anyone who has already looked more into this issue? Is there
already an open bug about this that I missed?

Kind regards,

Jeroen Dekkers


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