Am 23.11.2014 um 11:50 schrieb Kai-Uwe Rommel: wrote on 22.11.2014 20:43:19:
> Are you familiar with pg. 29-31 of the documentation?
> As I see it, either install a standalone Samba server for user
> management only (or user management and SMB sharing between clients)
> or something like PostgreSQL and follow the suggestions starting on pg. 29

Those pages only very briefly document how to configure it. But not why and
when to choose which alternative. Also, there is no documentation how to
then create the user accounts in the database? How is this done? Is there
a tool for this purpose?

For beginners (with 20 years of experience in other areas) there is also the sogo
ZEG edition available.

Here you get a click-and-run version of sogo

There is also the sogo wiki available



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