Steven Kurylo wrote:
Philip Prindeville wrote:
Between the truly clueless administrator, and those that feign ignorance to cover up their implicit approval of spammers...

What do you do in the case where someone is filtering deliveries to their "abuse" mailbox? (Like 99% of mail sent there isn't going to score positively...)
I filter my abuse address. Otherwise it would get so many spam messages, the ham would get lost in the noise.

Only send the headers. If the body is actually needed post it on some webpage.

A lot of sites won't accept just header lines. They need both (to confirm that it's software piracy, or pornography, or phishing... and with phishing, you need the 4th party: the link that is being used to spoof the legitimate organization). And who bothers to keep track of who wants what?

I send everyone a complete copy of the message inline, because some braindead sites don't accept attachments, etc.


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