No tools require an internet connection all the time. The repositories
Nexus, Archiva etc are local to your site. They only download from the
internet when you ask for something the first time.

That is one reason for having a local repository manager. Then you
have your personal repository as always with Maven.

If you are offline, but have a class library on some media, e.g. a USB
stick, you can deploy that to your local repository.

Hope this helps.


On Thu, Apr 30, 2009 at 12:47 PM, Geeta Madhavi <> wrote:
> Hi...
> U can use Maven,Eclipse latest version for development..Server as Tomcat or
> any other you wish..but use Maven instead of ant. And for reference you can
> check the Wicket in Action book
> On Wed, Apr 29, 2009 at 8:43 PM, Dane Laverty <> wrote:
>> My boss has asked me to manage development for a Java project. I'm going to
>> be working with two other programmers and one designer.
>> This is the first time that our organization has tried to formally
>> coordinate several programmers on a project together, and it is also the
>> first Java project we've done here (I'm the only programmer with extensive
>> Java experience). I chose to use Wicket for this project because it seemed
>> to be the most intuitive framework, and because I hope it will make it easy
>> for the designer and programmers to work together without stepping on each
>> others toes.
>> At my previous job, we used CVS for managing code contribution and Ant for
>> deployment. Is that still a good solution, or should I be looking at other
>> tools? Also, how do you coordinate the designer's work with the
>> programmers'
>> work?
>> My goal is to find a few tools that
>> - work well with Wicket
>> - make it easy for programmers to check code in and out
>> - manage project dependencies
>> - are easy to set up
>> - are easy to use
>> - are free
>> I appreciate any and all suggestions. Thanks for your help!
> --
> Regards.
> Geeta Madhavi. K

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