to clarify, this kind of change is off the table for 1.4, but may be
implemented in 1.5


On Fri, Apr 1, 2011 at 2:23 PM, Maarten Billemont <> wrote:
> On 01 Apr 2011, at 20:56, Daniel Neugebauer wrote:
>> I would stick with 1 (required to be checked).
>> The main reason would be not to break compatibility with old versions.
> Lame reason.  "Don't fix bugged behavior because old code relies on it."
> All that got us is a renders-well-in-IE 6.0 web, which we only barely are 
> struggling out of with the advent of Mozilla et al. who decided to do the 
> right thing for a change.
>> I actually used .setRequired(true) on legal checkboxes (disclaimers) in one 
>> of our applications because if I have a "required checkbox" I expect it to 
>> be needed to be checked.
> Get the context right.  "You are required to provide a value" is not the same 
> as "You are required to provide this specific value".  The context of the 
> term "required" in the setRequired method refers to the former, not the 
> latter.  As Igor pointed out, the latter is accomplished with a validator.  
> setRequired has no business looking at what your value is, just whether or 
> not one exists.
> Changing that context for one component for whatever reason breaks the 
> consistency and reliability of the API.
>> Although I will change that in our project now that I know such a change is 
>> being discussed, I wouldn't expect others to be that observant of the issue 
>> and have unit tests that prevent anything from breaking on a future upgrade.
> I hope people test their web apps before they deploy a new release to 
> production.  I'm sure they'll notice the change if they do.
> I vote (2) +1, if it doesn't make sense to apply setRequired to a certain 
> type of component because the HTML model simply does not permit it, giving 
> setRequired a different meaning is not an acceptable alternative.
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