Joe Golden <> writes:
> And for backups, Anthony mentioned Git Annex.  Is that a backup solution or
> something similar?  In general I don't need incremental backups, but if
> didn't cost much and made things faster, all the better.  I love git and
> think git should be in more places, and love the distributed idea.

I looked into git annex for work about a year ago. Seems crazy complex,
written in an obscure language. I would absolutely not use it as a
backup solution.

I do backups via `tar --listed-incremental | gpg`. I have a backup
script that has a list of enumerated directories I care the most about,
that does:

- "full" backups on the first Tuesday of the month
- "weekly" incremental backups (against the last Monthly) every other Tuesday.
- "daily" incremental backups (against the last Weekly) every other day.

Daily backups below a certain size are scp'd off-site.

On Tuesdays, I copy the new monthly or weekly incrementals to two
external hard drives, as well as make copies of any new large/static
media (mp3s, photos, video) to the same drives (photos are encrypted,
mp3s are not; it's another `tar --listed-incremental` invocation). Both
drives go in separate fire safes (and ideally one would go off-site for
the rest of the week).

At some point over winter I want to establish a proper NAS/services box
that is not my desktop machine, and will look into doing backups via
file system snapshotting (eg. btrfs or zfs send).


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