Here's my thoughts/rant on backup systems. First of all, you need to consider which problems you're trying to solve with backups:

 * Hardware failure - To deal with simple hardware failure like the
   drive itself failing, you just need a copy of the data.  The amount
   of time between copies is the amount of risk you're exposing
   yourself to.  If you can deal with redoing a days' work, then
   nightly backups/copies are good enough.  RAID 1/mirrored drives
   provide an instantaneous copy.  Rsync fired via cron can provide
   other windows of risk, like hourly, etc. Pick the amount of risk
   you're willing to deal with.

 * Human failure - "Oh drat, I really do need that file I deleted last
   week!" or "That edit turned out wrong, I wish I could go back to the
   version I had 24hrs ago."  To deal with this kind of problem, you
   need multiple copies of your data spaced out over time.  This is
   where incremental backups help because keeping 30 copies of all your
   data gets expensive real fast.

 * Change tracking or Pointing the finger o' blame - Some systems have
   a need or even a legal responsibility to track/restrict who can make
   changes and to log when those changes were made. Source code control
   like SVN/git work well here and can provide a complete history of
   changes stretching back many years.  But you're not going to put
   commonly changed files like your email Inbox into git.

 * Catastrophic failure - Things like fire, theft and police raids on
   the data center seizing all the servers, or the data center going
   out of business suddenly.  This is where you need to have a copy of
   your data in a separate location.  This is also where encryption of
   your backups becomes important.  How much do you trust the other
   location where a copy of your data resides?

 * How much data are you dealing with here? - This is incremental vs
   full backups.  A writer can keep backups of their books in progress
   on a flash drive tucked into their pocket. It'll take them 30
   seconds to copy it back and forth.  A musician or video editor is
   going to have multiple TB of data to move around and that takes
   significant time.  The backup need to finish before the next work
   period starts.  If your office/business works multiple shifts, that
   further reduces the window you have to do the backup.

My personal solution, which isn't going to fit everybody, is:

 * SVN on a central file server for all my projects that require
   long-term tracking.

 * Nightly rsync of all my external server data to a large drive on a
   server here in the office.

 * For the couple of MySQL servers where I can't afford the nightly 15
   minute down time to lock and then back up all of the data, I run a
   replication server and lock that up instead.  I keep 7 nightly
   copies of the database dumps which are further backed up by the file
   system backups.

 * Retrospect ( to backup all of the
   machines here in the office.  It's a windows product, but pretty
   decent and it'll encrypt the backups.  I do incremental backups
   during the week to an external hard drive.  On Friday, I swap the
drive and it does a full backup on Fri. nightly which takes ~16hrs. I bring the other drive home and I've got 4 of them in rotation, so
   I've got 4 weeks worth of copies.

My office is ~1 mile from my house. My usual joke is that if there's a catastrophe big enough to take out both my office and my home, it's probably taken out me as well, so at that point, I won't give a shit about the backups being unrecoverable.

I hope some of that helps,


On 10/6/2016 10:08 PM, Joe Golden wrote:
I feel like I should get a little more serious about a backup system and encryption on my filesystems.

I use ssh for command line access to texty things for projects, etc. I use sshfs for mounting a shared directory for working space between a server, desktop and a couple of laptops. The important bits live on the server.

What's the standard recommended encryption for an encrypted home dir? Looks like encfs is a good bet.

And for backups, Anthony mentioned Git Annex. Is that a backup solution or something similar? In general I don't need incremental backups, but if didn't cost much and made things faster, all the better. I love git and think git should be in more places, and love the distributed idea.

Sorry I know this is a big question. Any recommendations from the list appreciated.

PS: we should do beerz sometime.

René Churchill
VP of Development (i.e. Geek #2) - Your source for Local information <>
802-244-7880 x527

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