On Wed, 18 Sep 2002 15:57:12 +0200
"Oliver Etzel - GoodnGo.COM \(R\)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> >> Another problem. I cannot pop-in with my mailclient.
> >> But cannot pop-in by outlook or whatever.
> >What error messages are you getting in lookout and your logs?
> The error-message I get is:
> Error. Account: 'mail.fotoaktmodelle.de', Server:
> 'mail.fotoaktmodelle.de', Protokoll: POP3, Port: 110, Secure (SSL):
> No, Socketerror: 10054, Fehlernummer: 0x800CCC0E
> Socket Error, what can I do?

You can make sure the 'tcpserver' process, running the POP3-daemon
accepts connections from "not localhost". Maybe you want to have a look
for the '.cdb' file you (for sure, you don't read documentation and
therefore use the default command line) point 'tcpserver' to? 

Does it exist? 
If not: are you using '-X' (capital 'X') instead of '-x'? 
If it does: maybe your 'tcpserver' call makes use of '-r'. '-p' or '-h'?
Or maybe it simply needs '-RH' and no '-p' (as '-r' and '-h' are
default) to not time out?

Maybe you don't even use 'tcpserver' to start the POP3-daemon, but
'inetd'? Make sure 'hosts.allow' allows, or at least 'hosts.deny' does
not deny the connection(s).

Hint: use 'netstat -anp |grep :110' to figure out which listener is used
to start you POP3-daemon. Make sure THIS listener allows the


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