On 2002.09.18_15:57:12_+0000, Oliver Etzel - GoodnGo.COM (R) wrote:
> >> Another problem. I cannot pop-in with my mailclient.
> >> But cannot pop-in by outlook or whatever.

Are you sure that you can reach the POP server from another host?
May be a DNS problem? Another thing to check is the tcpserver -x option
blocking the connecting host.

> >What error messages are you getting in lookout and your logs?
> The error-message I get is:
> Error. Account: 'mail.fotoaktmodelle.de', Server: 'mail.fotoaktmodelle.de',
> Protokoll: POP3, Port: 110, Secure (SSL): No, Socketerror: 10054,
> Fehlernummer: 0x800CCC0E
> Socket Error, what can I do?

Did your server log a connection attempt?

> Regs,
> Oliver

H. D. Lee

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