Hello Peter,

Saturday, May 22, 2004, 9:03:21 PM, you wrote:

PP> Hello List,

PP> On Saturday, May 22, 2004 at 8:06:41 PM [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote (at
PP> least in part):

PP> [full quote snipped]
>> Before You make comments, first read the previous post.

PP> Well, ok. *erm* I just recognize: already done.

>> I am talking about TLS, smtps

PP> You are. In fact you are.
PP> But maybe I just have to repeat my question, maybe you did not
PP> recognize it, because there was too much confusing text around it:

PP> "Why do you mix "authentication method" and "connection security"?"

>> adn You are talking about pop3, complete out of the road.

PP> No. Now I'm pretty sure the whole mass of text confused you. I told
PP> you, SMTP-AUTH sends the "e-mail-address" and "password" as well as
PP> POP3-AUTH does. This was related to your comment (I'm allowed to quote
PP> your comment in <mid:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>):

PP> ,-----
PP> | In the OLD days, people were happy with SMTP-Auth.  I consider it LESS
PP> | security as SMTP after POP,
PP> `-----

PP> You YOU started comparing SMTP-AUTH to other, POP3-invocating,
PP> authentication / relay-allowing, methods.
PP> So IF POP3 is "out of the road", it is only YOU who brought it into
PP> this thread.

>> When I see word like 'enligtment' and I some sarcasm, seems You
>> are German either,

PP> You're so ... so ... amusing. You need the word "enlightment" (which
PP> I did not even write; I wrote you're "enlightened") and "some sarcasm"
PP> for recognizing a fact, which can easily be obtained from the senders
PP> address? You ARE funny.

>> see my previous comment.

PP> The one in <mid:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>? I saw. And I had
PP> to laugh out loudly about such a simple minded attitude.

>> Stop Your sarcasm,

PP> Why? Who are you to tell me stopping sarcasm? What makes you "better"
PP> than anybody else? What makes you assume my ancestors gave me that
PP> beautiful gift of sarcasm? What makes you sure you can even think
PP> about any comparison between times of WWI and WWII and my behavior
PP> just right now? What makes you French existence better than mine?

>> and rebuild first Your country

PP> I won't. There're some million people in this country, I don't see a
PP> single reason why I should rebuild it.
PP> - First: I don't see a necessity to /rebuild/ it. Some (partly major)
PP>   changes might be suitable, but a complete rebuild is far too much.
PP> - Second: I'm personally am much to less of a being for having the
PP>   ability to rebuild the whole country.
PP> - Third: even if I would start, there are soooo many (mostly
PP>   politicians, nevertheless enough commercial leaders) people guiding
PP>   this country into it's current misery. My work would not stop this.

PP> There are some other reasons, but this would become too much OT. But
PP> I'm quite sure you know what you're talking about. At least it's just
PP> the reality that's far behind your statements.

>> and mentality.

PP> ??? You're is better? Your
PP> Q: I don't get SMTP-AUTH to work. Please help
PP> A: Use SSL!
PP> way of participating and "helping" others, your "You're sarcastic,
PP> you're a f*****g German! You're behaving like your ancestors 1900-1945!
PP> [which implies I'm a either a Caesars fellow or a national socialist;
PP> and you don't even now me enough for being at least 1% sure about this
PP> facts]" is a better mentality?

PP> C'mon, guy. You don't want to tell me, you're the "better human
PP> being"? You don't really want to do EXACTLY what you blame me to do:
PP> "[pretend] to be the most bright race"???
PP> You don't really want to tell me (us) "we Germans" are (still? again?)
PP> "the bad, ugly, fascistic people" and it's the French that'll help the
PP> world out of the misery, because of their perfect mind set, given by
PP> "place of birth and live"??? If you really do, you're much poorer than
PP> I thought and you don't even deserve being read on this list.

PP> P.S.: If you feel the need to reply: please try trimming your quotes
PP> to the relevant parts. It's is not necessary to full quote and
PP> increase list traffic above the unavoidable level. I don't even ask
PP> for slightly reducing your signature; 18 lines is quite a lot.

I didn't, sometimes people think what You mean, and one word brings
another.  I started about smtp ssl and the improuvements abouve
smtp-auth, and at some moment others read half words and start a to
answer in terms of encryption.

if You append some Germans, who start to flame with words like

quote Erwin Hoffman                              : 'You are joking, troll.'
quote Peter Palmreuther                          : 'as you are this enlightened'
quote Paul Theodoropoulos <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  : '... this troll..'

Well You known You have to do with egotrippers, people You don't have
the maturity to do a nice discussion about the topic.

The only professional answer in this case was from some other people,
defently people who are working for major companies, who don't need
their ego to defend themselves.

I was helping a guy out here, i don't need an appended answers from
people which don't stick to the technical matter and which attack
people with words, You can rank in the category 'unmature'.

This kind of people didn't see one stackpointer, and they start to
spemm the lesson to another, who has programmed for decades on Unix.
Sorry back off, pubers.  At least, I conclude this, because adults
don't use words like 'troll' or sarcasm as 'enlightment' in a
technical discussion.

I leave the topic, clean Your own mess, with Your immaturity.

Best regards,
 DEBO Jurgen

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