On Sat, 2004-10-23 at 02:35 -0300, Walter Souto R. Junior wrote:
> Currently I'm keeping my server "open", without the hostname as a  
> parameter to qmail-smtpd. Thats the reason that it worked. If I put the  
> hostaname, nobody can suscefully login and send e-mail, independs on the  
> method used. I think thats the solution is upgrade vpopmail and use the  
> more recente smtp-auth patch.
> To be short: If I put the hostname as a parameter, nobody logins, if I  
> don't, everybody logins, so, I'm missing something, maybe trivial, but in  
> that moment I can't see... So, have something that I can do now without  
> upgrade my entire system?

It's a REALLY BAD IDEA to leave your system as an open relay.  Please,
for the sake of yourself, and the rest of the internet, shut your open
relay down.


Jeremy Kitchen ++ Systems Administrator ++ Inter7 Internet Technologies, Inc.
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] ++ www.inter7.com ++ 866.528.3530 ++ 815.776.9465 int'l
        kitchen @ #qmail #gentoo on EFnet ++ scriptkitchen.com/qmail
           GnuPG Key ID: 481BF7E2 ++ scriptkitchen.com/kitchen.asc

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