On Friday 24 March 2006 13:53, Jeremy Kister wrote:
> spammers send my servers spam; folks on my server have email addresses
> forwarded to other email addresses.
> spammer -> qmail-smtpd
> qmail-smtpd -> qmail-queue
> qmail-queue -> qmail-send
> qmail-send -> qmail-lspawn
> qmail-lspawn -> qmail-local
> qmail-local -> vdelivermail
> vdelivermail -> qmail-inject
> vdelivermail needs to respect qmail-inject's exit code, hence the
> proposed patch.

no, the real question is why is vpopmail even using qmail-inject to re-queue 
forwarded messages.  Instead, qmail-queue should be used directly.


Jeremy Kitchen ++ [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In the beginning was The Word and The Word was Content-type: text/plain
  -- The Word of Bob.

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