Rick Widmer wrote:
> I see no problem with that.  You will get:
> add-domain example.com  - when they run vadddomain
> add-user [EMAIL PROTECTED]  - when they run vadduser
> mod-user [EMAIL PROTECTED]  - when they run vmoduser
> del-user [EMAIL PROTECTED]  - when they run vdeluser
> instead of
> add-domain example.com
> mod-user [EMAIL PROTECTED]  *
> add-user [EMAIL PROTECTED]  * - when they run vadddomain
> mod-user [EMAIL PROTECTED]  *
> add-user [EMAIL PROTECTED]  - when they run vadduser
> mod-user [EMAIL PROTECTED]  - when they run vmoduser
> del-user [EMAIL PROTECTED]  - when they run vdeluser
> Can you keep a straight face and tell me the * lines are anything but
> noise?  :)

I really don't think the multiple calls cause any problem at all and add
clarity, i.e. they reflect what's actually happening rather than
requiring the sysadmin to make assumptions about what's going on behind
the scenes. For example, assuming that a postmaster user is created when
a domain is added.

I have less of a problem with supressing the mod-user call that triggers
when add-user is called, but I really think that creating a domain
should trigger an add-domain action and an add-user action.

If this code was called for every delivery on an underpowered box
receiving millions of deliveries per day then it might cause a problem,
but it will only be called when domains/users/aliases are being managed,
and that's hardly a synchronous task. It seems like premature
optimisation to me.


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