Miguel News wrote:
Um...  I don't know how Plesk works (I've heard questionable things about
it's Licensing status, plus it being closed source - I like to be able to
fix my server bugs :)), but unless you are using a different IP address

and POP3/IMAP server instance for each domain, I don't see how you could
be doing this right now.

I have multiple domains in the same IP.
I tested Plesk with the same username in 3 different domains.

I think the way it works is by comparing username and password and associate it 
with a domain... Not an elegant solution.

When I try to change the password to one that exists on the same username for 
another domain it give me an error.

If it is like this I think I'm going to inform my users to add domain to every 

Multiple domains on the same IP will require the users to use the fully qualified name. There is no way around this.



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