Is this problem happening on Linux images, Windows, or both? Please send the vcld.log output and I'll trace through it.


On 1/26/2011 11:12 AM, James Patrick Sigmon wrote:
Hey Josh,

That was the right question to ask for me to see what I missed before.  VCL 
sets up the default gateway with eth1 (the typical public network), but in my 
instance I currently only have eth0 to work with.  I changed the Iface to eth0 
and I got Internet.  So my new question is, until they set me up the other 
network, how can I make it so that VCL assigns the default gateway to eth0 
during setup?



On Jan 26, 2011, at 8:35 AM, Josh Thompson wrote:

Hash: SHA1

You can ping the default gateway from the vms, but cannot get beyond that to
the rest of the internet?


On Wednesday January 26, 2011, James Patrick Sigmon wrote:
Hey Andy,

I am able to ping the default gateway.  I also made all the name changes to
match as you described, however, I'm still unable to get Internet access
on my vms.  Aside from the network guys telling me an unintentional fib,
is there some other possible reason for this issue?



On Jan 25, 2011, at 1:57 PM, Andy Kurth wrote:
The network type should be bridged.  I'd remove host-only and NAT if you
have them enabled for simplicity.

How are the Virtual Switch 1&  2 values configured in the VM profile? On
the Summary page for the VMware host, what is listed under the Name
column under Networks?  For VMware Server 2.x, the defaults are usually
"Bridged" and "Bridged (2)".  Configure your VCL VM profile values to
match the values in the Name column, not the VMnet column.

Also, check the subnet mask and default gateway being assigned to your
images.  Can you ping the default gateway?


On 1/24/2011 2:12 PM, James Patrick Sigmon wrote:
Hey all,

I'm having troubles getting internet access for my images.  I'm
currently assigning address statically on a standalone system.  The
images can communicate with each other and the management node, but
nothing outside of that.  I confirmed with the network guys that the ip
addresses I'm using should have internet access, so I assume this must
be a VMware setting issue.

This is my first time using VMware Server 2, so I may have slipped up
somewhere.  I've tried host-only and bridged networking and neither
resolve the issue.  In the past, for VMware Server  1, I used to use
Custom and then specified the vmnet.  I'm not sure how this setting
transposes over to VMware Server 2.

Any ideas are appreciated.


Patrick Sigmon
- --
- -------------------------------
Josh Thompson
VCL Developer
North Carolina State University

my GPG/PGP key can be found at
Version: GnuPG v2.0.16 (GNU/Linux)


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