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Thanks for creating a JIRA issue about it and adding some patches.  You're 
definitely right about the number of GETs slowing down page loads.  I was 
planning on creating one dojo include per VCL page in the next release, though 
I never created a JIRA issue about it.  I did do some work already, but I like 
how you structured it a little better.


On Friday August 26, 2011, Aaron Coburn wrote:
> Many parts of the VCL web interface use the Dojo javascript framework,
> which has a nice facility for incrementally loading the classes needed for
> a particular page through the dojo.require(...) function. On some pages,
> however, the number of separate GET requests grows rather large. This
> makes the pages much less responsive, especially when a page is loaded for
> the first time.
> With dojo, it is also possible to create custom 'profiles', which are
> groups of dojo classes that are assembled into a single javascript
> library. More information about this is available here:
> http://dojotoolkit.org/reference-guide/quickstart/custom-builds.html
> I assembled about a dozen of these 'profiles' for our VCL installation, and
> with some modification to the .ht-inc/utils.php page, this change has
> resulted in a dramatic improvement in the loading and rendering of the vcl
> web pages.
> Is there any thought for moving in this direction for an upcoming release?
> I have created a JIRA issue for this at:
> https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/VCL-505
> where I have included some more information as well as the code I used to
> implement this in our VCL setup.
> Best wishes,
> Aaron Coburn
> Systems Administrator and Programmer
> Academic Technology Services, Amherst College
> (413) 542-5451 acob...@amherst.edu
- -- 
- -------------------------------
Josh Thompson
VCL Developer
North Carolina State University

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