Riny Qian wrote:
> Darren J Moffat wrote:
>> On the project page there is the following bullet:
>> "* /dev/console serves as the current active console, that is, any 
>> output via /dev/console will go to current active console."
>> I don't think that is necessarily the correct behaviour.  It also 
>> isn't the behaviour (best I can tell) that Linux has for this 
>> functionality.
> Here we have an assumption that it is on the "workstation console". In
> such case, /dev/console serves as the current active virtual console.
> We won't change the basic rule that "the file /dev/console refers to the
> system  console  device". For example, in tipline case, /dev/console
> will go to serial console.

I don't think I like the implication of this.

Lets consider this case.

Some part of the system starts writting messages to /dev/console, while 
it is doing that I switch to another virtual console (lets call them VTs 
for now since that is what people are famililary with).  What happens to 
the output ?  If I understand what you are saying it starts getting 
written on the VT I've just switch to.  This is not very nice in my 
opinion and it also is not how it works on Linux.

Best I can tell how it works on Linux is /dev/console is the first real 
console and it stays there.  The other VTs are /dev/tty1 /dev/tty2 etc 
(or some naming like that I don't remember the exact syntax).  That 
means that console messages always go to the same place.

This is the behaviour I want and I think it is what people would expect 
based on their experiences with other systems that have VT functionality.

Darren J Moffat

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