Darren J Moffat wrote:
> Riny Qian wrote:
>> Kernel messages output (e.g. via cmn_err) is different with user level
>> messages output via /dev/console.
> I don't see how this is at all useful and it is confusingly different to 
> what I believe happens on other platforms.
>> Or perhaps we can still take the /dev/console policy of older Solaris
>> (e.g. 2.5) with virtual console functionality, under that, /dev/console
>> was the primary console, and VT just provided additional virtual console
>> terminals. Everything that redirects to /dev/console will not go to
>> the current virtual console. Even on such older Solaris, kernel messages
>> still always went through the current virtual console exactly as what we
>> do now.
> That is exactly what I'm looking for, which is I believe how it works on 
> other platforms.

There *is* some difference here you may not notice. On Linux, when you
echo something to /dev/console, that will go to current active virtual
console, though each time output to /dev/console, it will finish that
output (consider a large file) to that virtual console even if you
switch to another virtual console.

At first, I took the /dev/console policy of our older Solaris. Later
I found that small feature (echo something to /dev/console, that will go
to current active virtual console) provided on Linux, so I updated with
it too.

> I'd highly recommend not being different from other platforms unless 
> there is a very compelling reason to give new and useful functionality. 
>  I don't see cmn_err messages being "spread out" over multiple VTs as 
> useful.

Absolutely. We should keep the behaviours to what people are already
familiar with, and should not make difference without a very compelling


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