* Carsten Koch schrieb am 27.01.08, um 17:56 Uhr:
> > In the current state, it would not be possible for Debian to ship a
> > vdr version > 1.5.13 in the official archive.
> But that's acceptable, considering that VDR  1.5.14 is a developer version,
> not a stable version which is intended to go into a distribution, right?

Yes, of course, i do not plan to upload a developer version into
debian unstable unless a release of vdr 1.6.0 is at least somewhere
near the horizon. :)

We allready had requests to upload vdr 1.5.x to debian experimental
but vdr 1.5.14 is one good argument more for the decision not to do
this in the current state of development.

> Lets just hope that kernel DVB and VDR 1.6.0 will be compatible
> when VDR 1.6.0 comes out.  :-)

Yes, this would be really helpful. ;-)


Thomas Schmidt, Debian VDR Team

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