> TS-Doctor seems to log what it had to fix. Did it give you a hint?

And here is the fixed file opened:

Opening file E:\One_world_fixed.ts

Scanning for TRP fill packets
Scanning for PIDs
Found 5 different PIDs
$18CF: 0%
$0202: 96%
$0289: 2%
$0288: 2%
$0000: 0%

Scanning for PATs

----------- PAT 0 -----------
Table ID                 : 0
Section Syntax Indicator : 1
Reserved Bit 0           : 0
Reserved Bit 1           : 1
Reserved Bit 2           : 1
Section Length           : 13
Transport Stream ID      : 6
Reserved Bit 3           : 1
Reserved Bit 4           : 1
Version Number           : 11
Current Next Indicator   : 1
Section Number           : 0
Last Section Number      : 0

  Program Number : $0001
  Map PID        : $18CF

CRC32                    : $02D8FB18 = $02D8FB18

Found 1 different PATs
Found 1 different PMT PIDs
Scanning for PMTs

----------- PMT 0 -----------
Packet                   : 1
PID                      : $18CF
Table ID                 : 2
Section Syntax Indicator : 1
Section Length           : 49
Program Number           : 1
Version Number           : 6
Current Next Indicator   : 1
Section Number           : 0
Last Section Number      : 0
PCR PID                  : $0202

Program Info Length      : 6
Program Info             : $09, $04, $0B, $00, $FC, $89

  Stream Type    : 27
  Description    : AVC video stream as defined in ITU-T Rec. H.264 | ISO/IEC 
14496-10 Video
  Elementary PID : $0202
  ES Info Length : 0

  Stream Type    : 6
  Description    : ITU-T Rec. H.222.0 | ISO/IEC 13818-1 PES packets containing 
private data (AC3)
  Elementary PID : $0289
  ES Info Length : 9
  ES Info        : $6A, $01, $00, $0A, $04, $65, $6E, $67, $00
  ES Info Text   : j____eng_

  Stream Type    : 3
  Description    : ISO/IEC 11172 Audio
  Elementary PID : $0288
  ES Info Length : 6
  ES Info        : $0A, $04, $66, $72, $65, $00
  ES Info Text   : __fre_

CRC32                    : $29870363 = $29870363

Found 1 different PMTs

Selecting PMT with PID $18CF at position 1

  stream_type              : 27 = AVC video stream as defined in ITU-T Rec. 
H.264 | ISO/IEC 14496-10 Video
  elementary_pid           : $0202
  ES_info_length           : 0

  stream_type              : 6 = ITU-T Rec. H.222.0 | ISO/IEC 13818-1 PES 
packets containing private data (AC3)
  elementary_pid           : $0289
  ES_info_length           : 9

  stream_type              : 3 = ISO/IEC 11172 Audio
  elementary_pid           : $0288
  ES_info_length           : 6

PCR PID is $0202

Created PAT:

----------- PAT 0 -----------
Table ID                 : 0
Section Syntax Indicator : 1
Reserved Bit 0           : 0
Reserved Bit 1           : 1
Reserved Bit 2           : 1
Section Length           : 13
Transport Stream ID      : 6
Reserved Bit 3           : 1
Reserved Bit 4           : 1
Version Number           : 11
Current Next Indicator   : 1
Section Number           : 0
Last Section Number      : 0

  Program Number : $0001
  Map PID        : $18CF

CRC32                    : $02D8FB18 = $02D8FB18

Created PMT:

----------- PMT 0 -----------
Packet                   : 1
PID                      : $18CF
Table ID                 : 2
Section Syntax Indicator : 1
Section Length           : 49
Program Number           : 1
Version Number           : 6
Current Next Indicator   : 1
Section Number           : 0
Last Section Number      : 0
PCR PID                  : $0202

Program Info Length      : 6
Program Info             : $09, $04, $0B, $00, $FC, $89

  Stream Type    : 27
  Description    : AVC video stream as defined in ITU-T Rec. H.264 | ISO/IEC 
14496-10 Video
  Elementary PID : $0202
  ES Info Length : 0

  Stream Type    : 6
  Description    : ITU-T Rec. H.222.0 | ISO/IEC 13818-1 PES packets containing 
private data (AC3)
  Elementary PID : $0289
  ES Info Length : 9
  ES Info        : $6A, $01, $00, $0A, $04, $65, $6E, $67, $00
  ES Info Text   : j____eng_

  Stream Type    : 3
  Description    : ISO/IEC 11172 Audio
  Elementary PID : $0288
  ES Info Length : 6
  ES Info        : $0A, $04, $66, $72, $65, $00
  ES Info Text   : __fre_

CRC32                    : $29870363 = $29870363

First PTS is 6082305662 18:46:21.174
Last PTS is 6470731262 19:58:17.014
First DTS is 0 00:00:00.000
First PCR  is 1824663518700 18:46:20.130
First PCR´ is 6082211729 18:46:20.130
Duration of video stream is 388425600 01:11:55.840

The following PIDs will be imported into new stream: $0202, $0289, $0288

Scanning for video details
Video format: H264 1920x1088, Interlaced / 25 fps / [EMAIL PROTECTED]

-------- H264 Video ---------
profile_idc                            : 100
constrained_set0_flag                  : 0
constrained_set1_flag                  : 1
constrained_set2_flag                  : 0
constrained_set3_flag                  : 0
reserved_zero_4bits                    : 0
level_idc                              : 40
seq_parameter_set_id                   : 0
chroma_format_idc                      : 1
bit_depth_luma_minus8                  : 0
bit_depth_chroma_minus8                : 0
qpprime_y_zero_transform_bypass_flag   : 0
seq_scaling_matrix_present_flag        : 0
log2_max_frame_num_minus4              : 8
pic_order_cnt_type                     : 0
log2_max_pic_order_cnt_lsb_minus4      : 5
num_ref_frames                         : 2
gaps_in_frame_num_value_allowed_flag   : 0
pic_width_in_mbs_minus1                : 119
pic_height_in_map_units_minus1         : 33
frame_mbs_only_flag                    : 0
mb_adaptive_frame_field_flag           : 0
direct_8x8_inference_flag              : 1
frame_cropping_flag                    : 0
vui_parameters_present_flag            : 1
aspect_ratio_info_present_flag         : 1
aspect_ratio_idv                       : 1
overscan_info_present_flag             : 1
overscan_appropriate_flag              : 1
video_signal_type_present_flag         : 1
video_format                           : 5
video_full_range_flag                  : 0
colour_description_present_flag        : 1
colour_primaries                       : 1
transfer_characteristics               : 1
matrix_coefficients                    : 1
chroma_loc_info_present_flag           : 1
chroma_sample_loc_type_top_field       : 0
chroma_sample_loc_type_bottom_field    : 0
timing_info_present_flag               : 1
num_units_in_tick                      : 1
time_scale                             : 50
fixed_frame_rate_flag                  : 1

Scanning for audio details
Audio stream 1: AC3 5.1 48000Hz (ENG)
Audio stream 2: 


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