Al 04/10/10 21:07, En/na Luca Olivetti ha escrit:
Al 04/10/10 20:55, En/na Luca Olivetti ha escrit:
Al 04/10/10 20:10, En/na Luca Olivetti ha escrit:
Al 04/10/10 19:36, En/na Luca Olivetti ha escrit:

Now I tried with a clean vdr (1.7.16), no patches (though my patches
didn't modify the signal path at all), only the vdr-xine plugin and the
problem is still there.
BTW, the same xine I'm using with the plugin, has no problem playing
stream from dvbstream.

If I start a recording and try to play the ts file with, say, mplayer,
it has the same problems, with a lot of messages in the console:

FWIW, if I set the audio pid to 0, the video is perfect.

With all output plugins (vdr-xine, dxr3 and streamdev, the latter only
if NOT streaming in TS, which pulls the audio anyway and breaks the

The reverse is also true: if I set the video pid to 0, the audio is fine.
Any hint on how to debug this?


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