Am 28.12.2012 09:28, schrieb Klaus Schmidinger:
Well, if a plugin is no longer actively maintained, it's probably
time to drop it. You know what they say about dead horses ;-).

Being actively developed and being needed are two different things. I wouldn't want to drop all the plugins that aren't under active development any more, as this would probably be true for 2/3 of my plugins.

If you put all your plugins into PLUGINS/src under the VDR source
directory (with
the old still in place), change into PLUGINS/src and do

   for i in *; do make -C $i all; done

I would guess that they build regardless whether they use an old or new
Makefile. Maybe you should give it a try.

Nope, as you forgot to filter out folders with version numbers. Plus, any updated plugin (at least any built-in plugin) does no longer create the *.so.$APIVERSION file, and there's no generic way to do this.

All updated plugins require an additional make install, that will create the *.so.$APIVERSION in some folder defined in vdr.pc. However, some old-style plugins will do totally different things on make install, like xineliboutput for example.

Thats why I wasn't even able to set up a running test build of my VDR yet, even though it complied without any issues: Total mess of .so files.



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