Thanks Mikhail,

I hope Cornerstone keeps working for you, and if not: you know where
to find us :)

- Dirk

On Nov 29, 3:23 pm, Mikhail Kornienko <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Dirk,
> actually, my money are already on account of Zennaware, the maker of
> Cornerstone.
> Not an impulsive decision, but rather a decision dictated by balance
> of features, price and support quality (replies from Zennaware almost
> always come in matter of minutes and are very professional).
> And I'm definitely not spending money on another SVN client in next
> couple of years, unless Cornerstone stops working for me.
> Anyways, no hard feelings here. As stated earlier, I really like
> Versions and was really looking forward not just to use, but to pay
> for it. It's a bit sad it all turned out this way after such a long
> ride together.
> Good luck with your project! A good competition is always a good
> thing, even in such a relatively small niches like SVN clients for
> Mac :)
> regards
> Mikhail.
> On Nov 29, 10:44 pm, Dirk Stoop <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi all,
> > As we said earlier, we are working on EDU pricing.  There is no
> > announcement yet because we want to get it right the first time
> > around, *because* we care.
> > However, we think it's more important that Versions works right for
> > people who already bought it and for people who are using the demo,
> > than it is for us to promote the software in additional ways.  That's
> > why we are spending most of our time fixing bugs and improving
> > performance right now.
> > Versions 1.0.3 is around the corner, the third update since the
> > launch.  We have sent a build out to a handful of people who ran into
> > authentication and performance problems before using beta-9 and 1.0,
> > and from their experience with it, we think it's almost ready for
> > general release.  Once we get 1.0.3 out to everyone, EDU pricing can
> > move up a notch on our priority list.
> > @Jason: We do care about losing sales, we just think that making our
> > current customers happy is more important right now than working on
> > our pricing.  That's our decision to make and it's your good right to
> > think that it is the wrong decision.  If you really want to talk about
> > this, shoot me an email off-list and lets start a real conversation,
> > rather than assuming that we don't care about our business, sales or
> > the economy as a whole.
> > @Mikhail: I'm really sorry for the trouble you ran into with Versions
> > 1.0.2.  This is exactly the kind of thing we're working on right now
> > and the fact that you no longer enjoy using Versions is very important
> > to us.  Like I said above: Fixing these kinds of problems is more
> > important to us than offering educational pricing, we want to do both,
> > but the issues with the software that you are running into have a
> > higher priority.  The problems with the contact form have been fixed,
> > but if you don't feel like trying that again, please drop me an email
> > directly and we'll get on it.
> > Thanks,
> > Dirk
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