Checkboxes beside files in the commit window are a must have.

I personally often work on more than one thing on a project, and when
I want to commit, I would like to be able to commit different things

Another ridicilously silly thing is, if I change something like the
database config file (wich is only different on my local version), or
application config file, I want to commit stuff without this going up
with them. Right now, I have to revert the changes to these files and
then change them back again to proceed with my work. This is horrible.

Versions should also know that I have new files and offer me to add
them automatically before commiting, also using a checkbox like

hope you get these things resolved soon, as they are pretty much basic
functionality imho


On Nov 13, 8:46 am, Gabriel Gilder <> wrote:
> I'd like to second the request for a non-modal commit/update process -
> personally I think this is the current #1 major impediment to
> productivity in Versions, and fixing it would make the experience of
> using the app so much more smooth.
> Thanks guys!
> -Gabriel Gilder

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