I think you're misunderstanding my point. I'm not extolling the virtues of 
Eclipse, I also find it annoying in many ways, but for large Java projects, it 
does redeem itself. (FWIW, configuring a project is IMO the absolute worst part 
of Eclipse. Once you get past that, working with it isn't half bad, especially 
for an all-Java app.) I was only making a point of how the SVN plugins act in 
Eclipse to provide a concrete example.

The approach you specify doesn't work in many situations. Imagine you have a 
Java package hierarchy with classes scattered up and down 6+ levels of it. If 
you don't want to commit everything in the hierarchy, selecting everything and 
deselecting resources not to commit has no effect, since selecting a directory 
includes everything inside its hierarchy. Anytime you want to commit 
some-but-not-all resource in a hierarchy, there is no choice but to cmd-click 
each one individually. Essentially, Versions currently caters well to opt-in 
selection, but not opt-out deselection. In many cases, it becomes trivial to 
add one more resource, but disproportionately difficult to exclude one 
resource. This is the part that's painful for large commits. Does that make 
more sense?

I realize that with flat hierarchies this is virtually a non-issue, but please 
don't assume that everyone can or does structure their projects that way.  :-)

 - Quinn

On Nov 19, 2009, at 7:57 AM, Hardy Macia wrote:

> I've only done the selective commits by selecting files that I want to 
> commit, not the other way around as you are suggesting, but isn't what you 
> want to do just...
> Show changed files, select all, cmd-click the file/files you don't want to 
> commit? 
> I've only used Eclipse once for a small project, but I found it extremely 
> annoying to use.
> -Hardy
> On Nov 19, 2009, at 10:50 AM, Quinn Taylor wrote:
>> It's a matter of workflow preference. Yes, you can select files and folders 
>> in the main GUI before committing — command-clicking etc. obviously works, 
>> but just because something is possible doesn't mean that's the only way 
>> anyone would/should ever want to do it. (Exhibit A: Windows) However, it can 
>> be a pain for deeply-nested hierarchies and excluding that one file that 
>> shouldn't be committed yet. The SVN plugins for Eclipse provide checkboxes 
>> in the commit window, and they can be incredibly handy when you need them. 
>> However, I generally only use them for *removing* files from the commit, so 
>> perhaps an unobtrusive button in the bottom left corner (which allows you to 
>> exclude 1 or more selected entries from the commit, without changing the 
>> selection in the main window) would be a good compromise?
>> - Quinn
>> On Nov 19, 2009, at 7:38 AM, Hardy Macia wrote:
>>> I'm always submitting a few files from versions so that I can submit 
>>> related file changes together. 
>>> Cmd-click/shft-click on the files to select the ones you want to submit and 
>>> submit them. I think checkboxes would get in the way.
>>> - Hardy

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