On Mon, 16 Nov 2009 16:35:54 +0100, Ray <raimondi...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I agree with the commit UI changes, but this is a workflow issue.

For some use cases, I agree this is a workflow issue, but for others it  
isn't. You might want to partially commit your entire working directory  
because you've been working on several different tasks at once and only  
want files related to task X commited, but not those related to task Y.

In such use cases, a checkbox beside each modified file would be neat.

> I keep a skeleton default config file versioned, and the actual config  
> file ignored.  Then you never have to worry about committing this file.

I do the same thing. Works like a charm. That is, until you change the  
skeleton file and forget to update the unversioned config file. ;)

Asbjørn Ulsberg         -=|=-          asbj...@ulsberg.no
«He's a loathsome offensive brute, yet I can't look away»

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