I have both a donate and a subscription link on my blog
(laughpractice.blogspot.com). I've used these on a couple of other blogs
as well. It would be much better to have some additional explanation (a
nice pitch, I think) on the paypal page itself when you get there, but
that doesn't seem to be possble. If they're in a mind to donate or
subscribe, the sooner they follow throuw the better so I've left out
that intervening explanation HTML page.

Joshua Kinberg wrote:

> In the Merhcant Tools section of PayPal you can create a Donation button.
> This is what people typically use for a Tip Jar.
> Now... I haven't yet figured out how to direct link to a paypal page
> so that I can use rel="payment" on the link. If you can figure this
> out it would be fantastic!
> --

Beth Agnew, Professor of Mirth


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