I think I just puked in my mouth.


--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, CarLBanks <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Your right David, I support Bush and his "corrupt" policies. He may
not be
> our best president, but he's better than the alternatives we had! I
> this whole topic was about the fact that they have a cute video
about their
> dogs. Not a forum to discuss politics. I'm not saying you don't have
a right
> to your opinion. I'm saying this isn't the right topic for it!
> On 12/19/06, David <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >   We have a president that many people feel stole his first term in
> > office and won his second term because of fear mongering and the
> > natural incumbency strength of a wartime administration. We have a
> > president who many feel has lied to the country, waged an illegitimate
> > and possibly illegal war and has severely diminished the reputation of
> > America abroad. Bush's administration has overseen the largest
> > expansion of the government and consequently deficit spending in
> > history. Many of us feel that he is ruinous to this country's health.
> > Statistically, every class but the rich are economically worse off
> > after 6 years of his administration which consistently tries to cut
> > funding for the arts and public media. And, still, you seem to think
> > that in such an atmosphere that the Whitehouse spending time and money
> > to produce a "cute video" about a dog won't or shouldn't garner
> > crititcism. This makes no sense to me. Prima Facie everything an
> > unpopular and embattled leader does will invite analysis and
> > criticism. Why are you shaming people for having their opinions? Is
> > it possible that you are a supporter of Bush's bankrupt policies? If
> > that's not the case, if you're not a right-winger, what are you doing
> > shaming people for having their political opinions? Shaming and
> > silencing opposition is a tactic of the right-wing and has no place in
> > open public discourse. Think Joseph McCarthy and the blacklists.
> > Sorry Carl, I'm just not going for it. I've been a member of this
> > board for awhile. I don't post too regularly, but I won't be shamed by
> > you or anyone else into silence. Bush is a destructive fool. That ANY
> > money and effort was spent to produce a cute video about a dog at a
> > time when we are bleeding money for a war that appears to be a
> > family vendetta is outrageous and needs to be commented on with
> > political criticism.
> >
> > -David
> >
> >
> > --- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com
> > CarLBanks <carlbanks@> wrote:
> > >
> > > It is truly quite sad that we couldn't refrain from making political
> > > statements over a cute video that the Whitehouse puts out. Political
> > > statements had no place in this movie since it had nothing to do
> > > politics. Thanks for being so on topic everyone!
> > >
> > > --
> > > http://thenameiwantedwastaken.com
> > >
> > >
> > > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> > >
> >
> >  
> >
> -- 
> http://thenameiwantedwastaken.com
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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