So now it's uncool to have a contest to promote Internet Video? 

Let me ask you, Steve, which at least "appears" to be more helpful:
hosting a contest or throwing out attack after attack after attack? 

I think we responded appropriately to the concerns raised by
videobloggers, and we certainly listened to the community. 

The goal of the contest is to raise awareness and do it in a
participatory way, by asking you for YOUR take on how-to. Because
there are certainly still lots of people who don't know there are
great things to watch on the Internet. All they've seen is the
skateboard tricks and lip-synch videos.

So what's wrong with making a contest, offering prizes, and doing
something to promote Internet video while throwing a little money into
the ring? 

Does this mean you won't enter, Steve? : )

--Chris Brogan... 

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