Sometimes we are geeky. Sometimes we are human. Then there is that
nerd contingency. Sometimes we have to deal with what is presented
before us the best way we can. Or the worst way we can. We eventually
come back to center point.

If you stroll our past history you'll notice we talk about everything
that relates to vlogging with some interesting side trips along the way.

Hang in there, there will be a discussion about updating a standard
USB memory stick for wi-fi transmission to a movlog any day now.

--- In, "gogen001" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> As a newbie in this group I somehow thought it would be more
> technical, unfortunately there's a lot of (unnecessary?) flaming going
> around some racist or whatever they are videos, while, for example, 
> the post about movlogging with bluetooth remains with only two replies.
> OK, my bad if I expected something different.
> Sorry, I'm just being sincere.
> PS
> David, I'm posting below your reply 'cause I know you better than
> others, no other reasons.
> GoGen
> --- In, "David Howell" <taoofdavid@>
> wrote:
> >
> > This group should be ashamed.
> > It should be ashamed over what is happening to it right here with this
> > discussion.
> > The only thing I can say at this point about Feldman, Podtech, Scoble,
> > AND this group as a whole with the infighting is "*pfffft*"
> > David

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