if you uploaded it, you already have the videos.  local archives.
you are free to store your videos on other services, your own server, discs,
hdds, tape.
why worry about exporting if you already have the better quality video + raw
video anyway?

again, use youtube etc if you want to tap in to potentially wider
audience.... but never depend on just that one service.  thats what it will
always come down to.

On 9/17/07, Jay dedman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>   > YouTube does have RSS feeds (i.e. www.youtube.com/rss/user/[insert
> > username here]/videos.rss) but only the descriptive information and an
> > EMBED are contained in the feed. Miro pulls down the descriptive
> > information AND the FLV video, however.
> Yep. Youtube has RSS feeds.
> Just wondering about this scenario.
> I am using Youtube regularly...posting video, text, etc.
> In 5 years, I decide I want to move my stuff somewhere else.
> I want to keep my archives since i was documenting my life.
> what are my choices?
> Can I export out my info?
> Or just delete my account totally and reupload my video somewhere else?
> I assume this is an issue for all social networks.
> Jay
> --
> http://jaydedman.com
> 917 371 6790
> **check out the new look: ryanishungry.com**

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