>  It doesn't make very much sense to me. There's plenty more room in the
> ground
>  for wire, more space for newfangled telephone poles carrying broadband, and
>  more radio spectrum. Using this seems a lot more fair to me than to have
> the
>  first company pay for all the infrastructure and then forcing them to turn
> it
>  over to a flock of free-riding competitors. Or for the first company to
> foist
>  the infrastructure bill on the overburdened taxpayer.

this is crazy to me.
this is like saying that everyone can make their own power plants nd
run lines all over town. (and charge for that power)
everyone can make their own water companies and dig up the ground for
pipes. (and charge for their use)
or everyone can make their own roads. (and charge for their use)
Can I make my own army?

in any society, we must agree on basic resources that are common to us all.
investor owned companies whose mission is pure profit is not a
solution to every problem.


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