I agree with Jay's suggestions. But try to use reasonable language  
when you're blogging about them.  And give them a right of reply in  
the comments - actively ask for it.  Writing about it will get you  
worked up, and will make you want to say inflammatory things.   
Instead, try to make yourself sound like the most reasonable person  
on earth.  It'll still show up as negative on their Google searches,  
and you'll be calling them out for bad behaviour which they'll hate,  
but people reading it will side with you more if it's not a raging  
flame.  It makes it harder for them to rebut.  And it puts you in a  
better position for negotiating with them later.


Shot, edited and sent with my Nokia N93

On 9-Nov-08, at 4:32 AM, Jay dedman wrote:

 > On Monday I want to file a lawsuit in small claims court to have  
 > videos pulled of the web or for them to pay up. Has anyone in our
 > vlogging community ever dealt with a similar situation? If I were to
 > contact Youtube/Vimeo for video removal request, what do they ask for
 > to proof video ownership?

Kris gave a great rundown of your options IMHO.
You got to take some responsibility here for doing work for free  
without a
This kind of situation asks for trouble.

I think going to small claims court would be more trouble than its  
might feel good for the revenge factor if you want to put in all the  
and expense.

Here's the blogging way of justice:

1. --Blog about your experience with this company. Write a post that
tells the story and provide links to their site. If they wrote you  
saying they would pay you, include them verbatim. Unless they are a  
fly by
night company, they will hate that you're post will show up in their  
2. --Get your friends to link to this post. Deepen their bad reputation
online with more links. Also, this will warn others who may come  
after you.
3. --It wouldnt hurt sending youtube and other sites an email saying  
those videos are your work (especially if they have your name). It's  
why the
shitty DMCA was written. They can of course write back to possible  
have them
reinstalled, but your making them work for it.

Sorry to hear you got screwed on thisi job.
I bet you wont let it ever happen again.


917 371 6790

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