On Wed, Dec 10, 2008 at 2:57 PM, Heath <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The only "issue" and it's not really an issue is that you have to
> manually define the related video's with Charles's plugin. It would
> be nice if it just randomly selected related video's and have the
> option to select one's yourself. And while I do like SIAB, there are
> still some drawbacks that I think are stil mainly related to the
> whole blog structure.

yeah...showinabox.tv/forum was really just a way to start a new
conversation about using video and Worpress since WP seemed to be the
preferred blogging platform. SIAB is by no means a technical solution.
the experience has taught us just how much development/design work it
takes to make new themes and plugins. Plus the maintenance of these
things you build as well.

by the way, the wordpress community has about 100 video plugins:


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