Nikolai Weibull wrote:
Well, hlsearch only kicks in /after/ you've completed your search,
whether you're using 'incsearch' or not.  I once thought this was a
nice feature, but I've realized that I rarely need to have other
matches highlighted.  I mean, either I've found what I want using
'incsearch', or  I have failed to find the text location that I
wanted, and highlighting the other matches won't really help much.
Narrowing your search using 'incsearch' is often a lot quicker than
doing a quick search and pressing 'n' a bunch of times to get to the
right match.

What you describe works well in many circumstances. But I find
that the global highlighting is invaluable when programming. Built-in
to Vim is the fact that pressing * searches for the current word.
Programmers love this. IMHO they would appreciate a simple
way to clear the highlights _and_ the message line when turning
attention to something else. Searching for non-existent junk is just
too distracting to my mental process.


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