Thanks, Andy; the black hole register is a new idea to me. Unfortunately, ":.,$d _" to the black hole register appears to take the same amount of time as ":.,$d" itself. "set undolevels=-1" speeds it up, but "set undolevels=0" does not; this suggests to me that the problem isn't related to how many undo buffers are around, just that the undo facility is available at all.

Honestly, the 3 minutes it takes has to involve a significant amount of waste, such as timing out for some system resource; reading the 2 million line file into memory doesn't take that long in the first place, and the delete is the first change I make to the file, so there isn't a stack of buffers filled with undo information to start with.


On Tue, 22 May 2007, Andy Wokula wrote:

A.J.Mechelynck schrieb:
Robert M Robinson wrote:

First, thanks very much for creating VIM! I have been using it on Linux systems for years, and now use it via cygwin at home as well. I vastly prefer VIM to EMACS, especially at home. I learned vi on a VAX/VMS system long ago (a friend of mine had ported it), when our computer science department was loading so many people on the VAXen that EDT was rendered unusably slow. I still like VIM largely because I can do so much with so little effort in so little time.

That brings me to my question. I have noticed that when editing large files (millions of lines), deleting a large number of lines (say, hundreds of thousands to millions) takes an unbelieveably long time in VIM--at least on my systems. This struck me as so odd, I looked you up (for the first time in all my years of use) so I could ask why!

Seriously, going to line 1 million of a 2 million line file and typing the command ":.,$d" takes _minutes_ on my system (Red Hat Linux on a 2GHz Athlon processor (i686), 512kb cache, 3 Gb memory), far longer than searching the entire 2 million line file for a single word (":g/MyQueryName/p"). Doing it this way fits way better into my usual workflow than using "head -n 1000000", because of course I'm using a regular expression search to determine that I
want to truncate my file at line 1000000 in the first place.

I looked in the archive, and couldn't see that this issue had been raised before. Is there any chance it can get added to the list of performance enhancement requests?


Max Robinson, PhD

I think this is just "part of how Vim behaves".

When you edit a file, Vim holds the whole file in memory (IIUC). When you delete a million lines, Vim frees (i.e., releases to the OS) the memory those lines were using. That takes some time.

Best regards,

What about the numbered registers?
 :h "1

After freeing the lines, they are copied to "1 .
And the content of "1 is shifted to "2 (before, of course)
And so on, until register "9.

To avoid the copies, the blackhole register can be used:
  :.,$d _

If there are copies, registeres can be cleared by hand:
  :let @1 = ""
  :let @2 = ""
  :let @9 = ""
This also takes time, but frees the memory.


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